CSKA 1948 – Hebar Pazardzhik 07 August

The CSKA 1948 – Hebar Pazardzhik match for the First League of Bulgaria will take place on August 7 (Monday) at 19:00 live on Diema Sport. Heber are winless in their last 3 games against CSKA 1948. A year ago Heber were number 12 in the standings with 3 points. They are now number 7 with 4 points. CSKA 1948 won both matches against Heber last season (2-0 home and 1-0 away).

CSKA 1948 win odds are 1.33. A tie in the match is rated 6.00. Heber Pazardzhik’s winning odds are 7.50. Check out our full football TV schedule.


The odds are valid at the time of publication of the event and are subject to change. For more information and current odds, click on the banner.

CSKA 1948 – Hebar Pazardzhik: Match statistics

Heber is winless in his last 3 matches against CSKA 1948.
A year ago, Heber was No. 12 in 3-point scoring. They are now number 7 with 4 points.
CSKA 1948 won both matches against Heber last season (2-0 home and 1-0 away).

CSKA 1948 – Hebar Pazardzhik: bet-bg.com Online Prediction

Based on the current statistics, we expect a convincing performance and a home win in the match.

Bulgarian football is back on the scene, and for many it will be a very exciting time. To watch the match live on bet365 you will need to have funds in the account or have placed a bet in the previous 24 hours. In Bulgaria, bet365.com will broadcast the match live.

Author: Arnold Watts